Module 10: Collaboration
I think that it is important to distinguish between Cooperative learning and collaborative learning as the two are often confused. Cooperative learning involves classroom techniques that involve students working in pairs or groups to improve or facilitate their learning and includes techniques such as concept mapping and brainstorming, ‘gallery walk’, ‘jigsaw groups’ or ‘expert groups’ (Goodrum & Druhan, 2012). Collaborative learning occurs when group work is used to build understanding or meaning, to find solutions or to create something. Activities can include writing or art projects, joint problem solving, debates or anything in which students team up or work in groups to explore or create (Oxford, 1997). The way that I want to help students collaborate is with authentic Project Based Learning opportunities, where they investigate a real world problem and as part of this, develop a product, artifact or presentation for a real audience (“What is Project Based Lea...